The Banyan Tree is a San Diego community bookstore offering a wide variety of authentic writings on the inner dynamics of the spiritual quest, the mind-transforming potential of the Wisdom-Teachings of past and present eras, the intellectual enrichment that comes from studying fearless philosophical dialogues and debates, the self-regenerating possibilities of various depth psychologies, the promise of current investigations into the baffling frontiers of a more consciousness-based science, and seminal thought pieces on the parapolitical foundations of a global culture composed of a multiplicity of diverse intentional communities, rejuvenated ashrams, flourishing eco-centers, and courageous, nonviolent reform movements for equality and justice. Come join us under the welcoming canopy of the Banyan Tree, where you can browse, read, and buy books that touch the soul's potential, expand and enrich the imagination, and most importantly, lend new, potential meaning and dignity to one's life and diverse relationships. Fresh coffee and informal conversation are available for those who wish them. Both are free.

Coming soon!

Open by appointment.
